
SEL Family Newsletter: Special Edition June 05, 2020

Talking About Current Events

Now more than ever, the need to be attuned to our children's feelings is critical. COVID-19 and the current climate following the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery has impacted our sense of security and well-being. Talking about these events with our children is important but also challenging. Below we have provided read-alouds, strategies, and resources to help you navigate these discussions confidently and skillfully.

In Support,

The MTSS Director & The District Social Work Team

"And you can change people's hearts by sticking up for someone who is not treated fairly."

Read Alouds

Q & A for Children on Protests/Riots

What is a protest?

“A protest is when a lot of people come together to show others that they strongly like or are against an idea or event. For example, some people protest racism or war.”

Why are people protesting right now?

Option A: "A police officer was arresting a man named George. He pressed his knee onto George's neck for a long time and it killed George. The officer was very wrong to do this. Many people are upset about this, because they think that this would not have happened if George was not African American. It is much more common for police officers to hurt and kill people of color. That's why many people are protesting to show how unfair they think this is.”

Option B: "The police were arresting a man named George Floyd who is African-American. They used too much force and hurt/killed him. People are sad and angry that this happened. They are protesting because this is a tragedy and a sad/scary pattern, because black men are more likely to be killed by police. People are protesting for George Floyd and for the many other black men and women who have been killed, because they feel like it is common for police officers to hurt and kill people of color."

Tips for Talking to Kids about Trauma
  1. Initiate the Conversation
  2. Reassure them
  3. Listen
  4. Find out what they know
  5. Encourage children to share their feelings
  6. Share your feelings
  7. Focus on the good
  8. Encourage children to act
  9. Know when to seek outside help
Ideas for Integration Throughout the Day

Practice inclusion and diversity by challenging your child to find out something they have in common with someone who is seemingly completely different from them. This could be a relative, friend, or neighbor.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or traumatized by current events, try these resilience-building practices:

  • Take a mindfulness walk. Walk together in silence. Practice being present in the moment by noticing your surroundings. Look around. What do you see? Take a deep breath and slowly inhale. What do you smell? Listen to your surroundings. What do you hear? Take turns sharing one observation or thing you enjoyed the most about the walk and discuss how it made you feel to focus on your surroundings.
  • Color mandalas. Take time out of your day to be present in the moment by focusing entirely on the act of coloring. For free printable mandalas check out the following website: https://mondaymandala.com/m
  • The National Parent Helpline is open 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.(1-855-427-2736) to get emotional support from a trained Advocate and become empowered and a stronger parent.
Created By
Elizabeth Gianulis