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March 27, 2020

Questions to Ask Your Clients

How to "Keep Calm and Coach On" during uncertain times.

During times of global uncertainty, volatile markets, and lots of information flying around, you have the opportunity to step up and act like a financial life coach to your clients.  This is a time for empathy, reassurance, and being present.  Reaching out to your clients during the most difficult times will instantly raise your credibility, your clients’ trust in you, and their willingness to work with you when times are better.

But what do you say?  What will they say?

Here are Five Questions You Can Ask Your Clients TODAY to help ease their financial fears and give them peace of mind:

  1. How are you? Sometimes the simplest question is the best to ask.  Many people are confused, stressed, and emotional.  Asking someone, “How are you?” is a great way to let your client vent their frustrations and concerns, and for you to just listen.
  2. What can I help you with immediately?  Is it checking an account balance? Sending over information on a certain topic?  This is not a time to sell, but to help clients solve for any immediate needs.
  3. Would you like to review the benefits of your policy, and how it can help in times of uncertainty? The time to remind a client of the benefits of their policy is when they are taking advantage of those benefits!  Remind them of any applicable guarantees, 0% floors, volatility-controlled indices, living benefits, loans and withdrawal capability, or anything else that will help ease their minds and remind them why they purchased their policy.
  4. Do you know you can check your policy values on the mobile app?  They may be terrified to check their 401(k), but they can check their life policies.  This is a great time to encourage your clients NOT to stop making their premium payments, which may be tempting as people panic about their budgets.  Remind them what they are paying for, and why it is so valuable for their overall plan.
  5. When can I call again to check in?  You may not need to, but your client will appreciate you reaching out, not trying to sell them anything, but simply doing your job of being their financial life coach.

Have questions?  Pair up with an experienced agent or advisor who has been through this type of market before.  How did they talk to their clients after 2008?  What impact did it have on their business? It’s an excellent time to get feedback from our mentors and peers, and to remind yourself that these times are temporary. And remember, the more proactive you are with your clients, the better. Continue to Do GoodBe Good and Make Good for our customers during this unprecedented time.