Delegate Lashrecse Aird's 60 Day Plan for a Stronger Commonwealth

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e ra ti o n to id s n o c r fo n io is v o s a l is m y T h e fo ll o w in g p ro p f th e 2 0 2 0 o t r ta s e th r fo s y a ext 60 D p re p a re u s in th e n f le a d e rs h ip o ra e w e n a d n a n e s s io G e n e ra l A s s e m b ly S p ro u d . s ie ll a d n a ts n e tu ti cons th a t c a n m a k e o u r

S T N E T N O C F TA B L E O 3




5 -8


9 -1 0


M M O N W E A LT H O C R E G N O R T S A R 11 -1 2 V IS IO N F O 13





It has been more than 20 years since Democrats last held a majority in the House of Delegates. The GOP has consistently maintained decades of power, strategically and systemically suppressing voters and denying the will of our Commonwealth with racially-packed and gerr ymandered legislative districts. UNTIL NOW. In 2013, we lost two seats giving the GOP a supermajority in the House. In spite of our then-newly elected Democratic Governor, we were a powerless, veto-proof minority. In 2015, we fought hard and picked up just enough seats (Hey Kathleen!) to break the superminority.

As we all know (too well), in 2016, Trump won the White House. And suddenly, it didn’t matter that we were fighting in hyperpar tisan, badly-gerr ymandered districts - the will of the people was stronger. The blue wave could not be stopped.

‘91 47 52 ‘93 47 52 ‘95 47 52

After the 2017 elections, we welcomed 15 new colleagues to our body. And against all odds, we went from being a super minority to having a 49-51 split in just two cycles.

‘97 49 50 ‘99 52 47 ‘01 67 31 ‘03 61 37


‘05 58 39

Throw in one more election and in just three shor t cycles, we have gone from being a super minority to now having an outright majority in the House of Delegates.

‘07 54 44 ‘09 59 39 ‘11 67 32 ‘13 67 33 ‘15 66 34 ‘17 51 49

Given what we’ve already accomplished in such a shor t time, the future looks impossibly bright. We have a chance to break our minority mindset and lead the Commonwealth forward. I don’t doubt who we are as a body; I know our values and I know our streng ths. And I trust us to do right by the People.

FELLOW MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA HOUSE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS: Today, there is much to be celebrated: electing more diverse Delegates to our chamber, protecting our incumbents, and of course—TAKING CONTROL OF THE HOUSE! Congratulations to each of you for the role you played in creating this reality. In the wake of our newly minted majority, I respectfully submit myself for your consideration to be the next Speaker of the House of Delegates, and to be the trusted voice of the House Democratic Caucus, dedicated to empowering our members, with a commitment to presiding over our body in an effective, efficient and transparent way. When I think back on the early months of 2019 and reflect on the unresolved wounds around race that were brought to sur face, I am amazed to see how far we’ve come and the resiliency of our collective spirit. Last night, voters across the Commonwealth sent a clear message that Democrats, people of color, and especially women of color, must lead Virginia for ward. Winning on Election Day was just the beginning. The message we send with our ver y first decision as the majority caucus has the power to demonstrate immediately to our voters that they have been heard and to set a high bar for what we can accomplish together. Taking the majority is much bigger than any one member, or any one district. It is collectively about all of us, and the immediate impact we can have on the lives of Virginians. During my time as a member of this great chamber, I have been privileged to ser ve alongside all of you, to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with you, and to celebrate our victories together. As we usher in a new era of Democratic power in our Commonwealth, I think of this as a defining moment for how our beloved institution will be remembered for years and decades to come. My candidacy for Speaker is founded on a few core principles; and some of them are meant to specifically address the frustrations we have all felt as Delegates and caucus members: - Inclusivity. Leaders of this body ought to empower our members and ensure that we are not just invited to the table, but that our opinions are heard and matter. - Courage. Leaders of this body ought to lead and legislate with courage and a sound moral compass; taking a proactive approach with clarity on the severity of irreversible harm already done by poor policy decisions under the GOP. - Transparency. Leaders of this body ought to offer more transparency, not just within our own ranks but with our par tners and allies. We should celebrate each win and the team behind it to underscore the good choices our constituents have made. - Collaboration. Leaders of this body ought to lead our Commonwealth for ward collaboratively, building bridges where there are divides in order to improve the lives of all Virginians and ensure no one is left behind. My candidacy for Speaker offers a great familiarity with the governing of the past and a deep respect for the historical weight of our body. I also recognize that the present calls for more than the status quo. I am thrilled to share this document with each of you and look for ward to hearing your input, thoughts, and feedback to build an even stronger Commonwealth for generations to come.



VISION FOR A STRONGER HOUSE The success of affecting meaning ful change is dependent upon the agenda we set and are able to enact into law. Our ability to strategically get bills passed while not only protecting, but expanding, our majority will star t with the internal caucus structure. I propose the following officer positions for our caucus:


M aj or it y Le ad er

M aj or ity W hi p

M aj or ity Fl oo r Le ad er

As si st an t M aj or ity W hi p

M aj or it y C au cu s C ha ir

Vic e Ch air

Op s Po lic y

Vic e Ch air

Vic e Ch air

Fi na nc e

Ou tr ea ch

Se cr et ar y

Tr ea su re r

Vic e Ch air

Ca m pa ig ns

THE SPEAKER Presides over each legislative session, preser ves decorum and general conduct in the chamber, state parliamentar y motions, and offers final rulings on parliamentar y questions. The Speaker is also responsible for the appointment of the Sergeant-At-Arms, all pages, all House committee assignments, members on any legislative commission, joint subcommittee and interim study committee. Lastly, the Speaker will direct the Clerk on the referral of all legislation to the appropriate committee. 5



Majority Leader has the primar y functions of a majority leader, usually related to floor duties. The majority leader (1) is the lead speaker for the majority par ty during floor debates, (2) develops the calendar, and (3) assists the speaker with program development, policy formation, and policy decisions.

Majority Caucus Chair generally (1) develops the majority caucus agenda with the principal leaders, (2) presides over the majority caucus meetings, and (3) assists with the development of policy.


Assistant Majority Whip assists the floor leader, ensures member attendance, and provides members with information for votes in committees and in preparation for the floor.

Majority Whip’s responsibilities are to (1) assist the floor leader, (2) develop a tracking system for all legislation, (3) count votes, and (4) generally communicate the majority position.

*( ELECTED ) MAJORITY FLOOR LEADER Majority Floor Leader is charged with monitoring legislation to be considered for a floor vote, checking with Members to see how votes could go, and helping the par ty reach its goals. Generally communicates the majority position.

VICE CHAIR OF FINANCE Vice Chair of Finance develops an annual operating budget with staff, obtains approval of the budget while monitoring adherence to the budget. The Vice Chair of Finance should also set long range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them, taking into consideration strategic objectives and initiatives of the caucus.


VICE CHAIR OF OPERATIONS AND POLICY Vice Chair of Operations and Policy ser ves as the primar y assistant to the Majority Leader for policy development, message development, incumbent protection activities, and long term strateg y. The Vice Chair of Operations shall be a member of the Policy Committee and assist the Caucus Chair in coordinating the activities of the committee. The Caucus Vice Chair shall preside at Caucus meetings in case of the absence of the Caucus Chair and Majority Leader. The Vice Chair shall assist in fundraising and dues collections. This individual shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the Majority Leader.



Vice Chair for Outreach works closely with the Caucus Chair and campaign committee on candidate recruitment, and will help oversee the efficient functioning of a coordinated regional recruitment effor t. The Vice Chair for Outreach

Vice Chair for Campaigns has the responsibility of the staff ’s day-to-day planning, recruitment, organization, financing, and conduct of election campaigns for the office of the House of Delegates.

shall assist with Caucus fundraising and dues collection activities. This Vice Chair coordinates and organizes outreach effor ts to regional events and government activities, and shall inform the Caucus of these events. This Vice Chair


VICE CHAIR FOR OUTREACH CONT. will assist the Caucus Chair in ser ving as a communication liaison between the Caucus and the media, the public, constituent groups, and the Members when the Legislature is not in session. This individual will take responsibility for improving and coordinating the Caucus’ regular use of new media platforms. This individual oversees oppor tunities for Caucus political activity, including voter registration, and coordinates effor ts with the campaigns of local, state, and federal Democratic candidates. This individual shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the Majority Leader.

*These positions are newly elected roles or new to the caucus.

SECRETARY Secretar y shall keep records of Caucus meetings, including attendance. The individual shall transcribe minutes of organizational Caucus meetings, meetings of the Executive Committee of the Caucus, and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the Majority Leader.

TREASURER Treasurer shall establish procedures to handle disbursements and expenditures, track and repor t all dues receipts and disbursements, maintain all financial records, and, should the need arise, prepare filing repor ts to the State Board of Elections. The Treasurer ensures financial records are open to inspection by any Member of the Caucus at any reasonable time, and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Treasurer by other provisions of the Bylaws and delegated by the Majority Leader.


Executive Director Finance Director Communications Director (shared) Director of Campaigns

» » » »

Digital Media Specialist Policy Analyst Policy Fellow (2) Research Fellow (1)


Chief of Staff Legislative Director (shared) Legislative Aide (2) Secretar y (2)


VISION FOR A STRONGER HOUSE A thoughtful transition process can streng then our legislative institution, improve leader and member understanding of the legislative process, improve the chamber ’s use of time, and reduce anxiety among members and staff.

AM T R A N S IT IO N T E ea r se ns e of st re ng th s, ch all en ge s, cu ltu re , an d pr es sin g

in ou r ca uc us mu st ha ve a cl th e lea de rs hi p ro les In co mi ng lea de rs hi p g in rd ga re ns sio ci n. As to ma ke in fo rm ed de ly in ou r 20 20 se ss io ar ul iss ue s of ou r ca uc us tic r pa n, tio iza pr io rit re qu ire th e gr ea te st ct in g in fo rm at io n an d th e iss ue s th at re sp on sib le fo r co lle be ll wi at th am te os e a tra ns iti on sib ilit ie s, an d Sp ea ke r, I wi ll pr op fa ce t of ou r re sp on r jo ma ch ea of s ie ra tiv e to les an d re sp on sib ilit an t, us ef ul , an d im pe ab ou t th e un iq ue ro lev re is at th am te hi p IV E, at io n to th e lea de rs AT IO NS , LE GI SL AT ER fo r pr ov id in g in fo rm OP : ps ou gr rk wo fo ur wi ll be di vid ed in to th e ca uc us . Th e te am ON NE L. FI NA NC E, an d PE RS


rk ing wi th th e ca uc us Re sp on sib le fo r wo de r to su pp or t th e lea de rs hip te am in or us us , re vie w th e ca uc of fic er s of th e ca uc mm un ica tio ns pla n, by law s, de ve lop a co n, an d es ta bli sh a ca uc us fin an ce pla tra ini ng s th at co mm itt ee lea de rs hip 0 da ys an d th e su pp or t ou r fir st 10 ar ag en da . fo un da tio ns of a 2- ye

T H E F IN A N C E W O R KG R O U P lop ing an Re sp on sib le fo r de ve et th at su pp or ts th e ad mi nis tra tiv e bu dg on ke r ’s of fic e, tra ns iti fu nc tio ns of th e sp ea e te rm ne ed s to co nt inu ex pe ns es an d lon ger at ion s. to su pp or t cr iti ca l op

E T H E L E G IS L AT IV W O R KG R O U P fin ali zin g th e

os ing an d Re sp on sib le fo r pr op ne , a ye ar -b y- ye ar tim eli po lic y ag en da wi th s d ne ce ss ar y pa r tn er alo ng sid e re lev an t an d re sp on sib le fo r an d st ak eh old er s, an th e lis te nin g to ur on ce pla nn ing a st at e- wi de ar e. In ad dit ion , th is ag en da is re ad y to sh cu rre nt Ho us e ru les te am wi ll as se ss th e em ct ur e, cr ea te a sy st an d co mm itt ee st ru a ts , an d de ve lop fo r co mm itt ee re qu es s lly -a pp oin te d po sit ion pr oc es s fo r po lit ica ke r ’s Of fic e. re qu ire d by th e Sp ea


g a ss ing an d pr es en tin Re sp on sib le fo r as se ve ide rs se ve ra l se ns iti st af f pla n th at co ns es , th e Ho us e of De leg at de pa r tm en ts wi th in y ne l ma ke -u p, an d an th eir cu rre nt pe rs on sa me ge s. In ad dit ion , th e re co mm en de d ch an nt re qu ire d fo r th e cu rre co ns ide ra tio n wi ll be ct ur e. ca uc us st af fin g st ru



W E E K T W O (1 1/ 18 )

D ev el o p Tr an si ti o n Te am R ep o r ts P re -F il in g B e g in s

W E E K F O U R (1 2 /2 )

Id en ti fy an d R ec ru it T ra ns it io n T ea m

25) W E E K T H R E E (1 1/

D is tr ib u te P re lim in ar y R ep o rt s

A m en d Tr an si ti o n Te am P ro p o sa ls W E E K F IV E (1 2 /9 )

W E E K S IX (1 2 /1 6 )

C au cu s C o m m it te e & S u b co m m it te e Tr ai ni ng s

W E E K E IG H T (1 2 /3 0)

T ra in in g, N ew C au cu s M em b er ls & Im p le m en t P ro p o sa k fo r S ta ke ho ld er F ee d b ac P o lic y A ge nd a D u e /2 3 ) W E E K S E V E N (1 2

it io n P ro vi d e F in al T ra ns T ea m S u m m ar y

P re se nt 2 0 2 0 P o lic y A ge nd a at R eg io na l P u b lic Fo ru m s W E E K N IN E (1 /6 )

1/ 8 L e g is la ti v e S e s s io n B e g in s

ill P o lic y B ri ef in gs & B io n A ss ig nm en t F in al iz at 9

FULL TIMELINE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 11TH Identify and secure a Transition Team as well as appointing a team leader who will bring with them an abundance of Virginia political strategic experience to oversee the entirety of the transition process.

WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18TH Transition teams meet and work towards their repor ts.

WEEK OF NOVEMBER 25TH Preliminar y repor ts to be distributed to caucus for digital review and input during the Thanksgiving holiday.

WEEK OF DECEMBER 2ND » December 2nd, Monday: Caucus will hear comprehensive repor ts from the transition teams and provide feedback /input on those repor ts and then vote on adoption/amendment etc. » December 4th, Wednesday: All caucus policy assignments will be finalized. » December 5th, Thursday, 5pm: Prefiling draft request deadline. All caucus assigned bill drafts should be requested by this point.

WEEK OF DECEMBER 9TH New member training to occur (independent of Clerk’s Office). Implementation of the proposals from the transition teams to begin including any staffing or other organizational changes. Legislative/Policy teams review their proposals to stakeholders for input and recommendations.

WEEK OF DECEMBER 16TH Committee and Subcommittee chair trainings to occur. Implementation of the Political and Institutional plan should be wrapping up from a staffing standpoint. Stakeholder input is being considered and draft requests updated accordingly. Transition leadership is meeting with Virginia Senate leadership to provide status updates and receive input.

WEEK OF DECEMBER 23RD Comprehensive status update to be circulated to Caucus for final review and input during the Christmas Holiday. Full transition summar y to be finalized over the weekend of December 27th

WEEK OF DECEMBER 30TH » December 30-31st: Regional public forums to be held presenting comprehensive transition summar y and 2020 Legislative Agenda. » January 2-3rd: Virginia House Democratic Caucus Briefings – private meeting to receive briefings and input from an abundance of stakeholder organizations over the course of two days to be held in Richmond.

WEEK OF JANUARY 6TH Committee assignments, bill assignments etc. to be finalized and pre-session full caucus reception to take place.

JANUARY 8TH 2020 Legislative Session begins.




VISION FOR A STRONGER COMMONWEALTH ADMINISTRATIVE The current committee structure is ripe with oppor tunities—not only to maximize efficiency for our members, but to also broadcast our new agenda and legislative priorities. As I tried to envision how our new Democratic majority would conduct business, I realized a few small changes could help us run a much more efficient chamber. I am so excited to hear your ideas and discuss how we can demonstrate the full streng th of our caucus.



Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources




Commerce & Labor

Commerce & Labor

Counties, Cities, and Towns

C o u n t i e s , C i t i e s , a n d Tow n s

Cour ts






General Laws

G e n e r a l L aw s

Health, Welfare, and Institutions

H e a l t h , We l f a r e , a n d I n s t i t u t i o n s

Militia, Police, and Public Safety

P u b l i c S a f e t y a n d Ve t e r a n s A f f a i r s

Privileges and Elections

Elections and Ethics



Science and Technolog y

I n n ova t i o n , I n d u s t r y & Te c h n o l o g y

Transpor tation

Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n


E n e r g y a n d N a t u r a l Re s o u r c e s


na l ty to bu ild ge ne ra tio ni tu r po op an ve ha a lo ng tim e, w e e m us t re m em be r W e. m co Fo r th e fi rs t tim e in to s de ca de ne ou r le ga ci es fo r ch an ge th at w ill de fi ju st th e fi rs t st ep . as w ay D n tio ec El th at w in ni ng on ne ou r on ar e go in g to de fi t in po is th om fr e e m ak di vi du al Th e de ci si on s th at w at ur e bu t al so as in sl gi le d an r, be am a bo dy , ch le ga ci es , no t ju st as de le ga te s. d I kn ow it is no t lo st An e. m on st lo t no st or ic m om en t is s fr om Th e w ei gh t of th is hi ty , or ev en fi ft y ye ar en tw , ve fi d re be ar e re m em le br at e ou r le ga ci es ce ill yo u ei th er. W he n w e w ey th pe ho I ill be sa y ? Pe rs on al ly , at io na l. I ho pe w e w no w , w ha t w ill th ey m or sf an tr d an , ld , er e br av e, bo pr ot ec t ou r m aj or ity st ju as D el eg at es w ho w ’t dn di at th us D em oc ra tic ca uc re m em be re d as th e in g ke y pr io ri tie s. er liv de by e cl cy y bu t bu ilt up on it ev er ar, to in k be yo nd th e fa m ili th to u yo e ag ur co m ea nt to en pr ou d of . I ho pe w e be d Th is do cu m en t w as an er th ge to H ou se w e ca n bu ild im ag in e th e ki nd of ac co m pl is he d th at . u in th e co m in g yo of ch ea ith w n sa tio nt in ui ng th is co nv er t. I’m ea ge r to he ar ou h ac I lo ok fo r w ar d to co re to te ta si e, pl ea se do n’ t he pe r tis e to m ov e ex ’s ne yo er da ys . In th e m ea nt im ev e at or ed ba ck an d to in co rp yo ur th ou gh ts an d fe w ea lth fo r w ar d. on m om C d an s cu au ou r C



@ L A S H R E C S E A IR D @ D E L E G A T E A IR D /A IR D F O R D E L E G A T




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