Puentes de Salud - Summer Camp Volunteer Application
This program aims to support the holistic development of children in Philadelphia's Latinx immigrant communities and serves approximately 45 elementary-aged (grades 1-5) students. Programming combines activities (like reading, writing, and discussion across a variety of styles) to support students in exploring, expanding, and building positive experiences with literacies beyond that taught in traditional schooling. We include other enrichment activities spanning yoga, mindfulness, art, coding, social-emotional development, structured play, and field trips to engage students throughout the day. We seek a group of dedicated volunteers who will facilitate daily interactive sessions. Volunteers will have a significant amount of leadership and teamwork responsibility and thus are expected to be highly motivated and mature. The volunteers will be responsible for the daily functioning of the program by leading activities and lessons with the students in collaboration with Puentes staff and community partners. Volunteers will work closely with the Puentes team and develop an understanding of the social determinants of health and social justice issues impacting this community. This is a special opportunity to learn about and to practice the process of development and implementation of community-grounded education work.
Responsibilities include:
- Provide tutoring, mentoring, and organizational support for 35-40 hours per week for six weeks. Candidates must be available for the entire duration of the program.
- Plan, lead, and implement activities and lessons for daily sessions in collaboration with staff.
- Provide guidance and support to children and work as a committed, professional teammate with staff and fellow volunteers.
- Build relationships and work with parents, family members, and external resources to enhance children’s educational experience.      

*Program dates: The program will run Monday-Friday, 8:45am-4pm, from June 29 - August 13, 2020.
- From June 29 - August 7, programming will take place at Southwark School, 1835 S. 9th Street, Philadelphia PA 19148.
- June 29 - July 3 will be orientation week, 8:45am-4pm.
- July 6 - August 7 will be programming with students, 8:45-4pm at Southwark School, Monday-Thursday. Fridays in this time we will meet at Puentes de Salud at 1700 South Street, 9am-4pm, for team planning.
- From August 10-13, we will do a reflection and debrief week with the volunteer & staff team, which will take place entirely at Puentes de Salud, 1700 South Street, Philadelphia PA 19146 from 9am-4pm each day.

*Eligibility: We seek highly motivated and responsible individuals with excellent interpersonal skills to join our group committed to supporting the holistic education, health, and wellness of the children in this community. Fluency or proficiency in Spanish and significant and relevant previous experience working with children (formally and/or informally) are required. We also highly encourage individuals who are fluent, bilingual, and/or native speakers of Spanish to apply. Please note this is an unpaid opportunity.

First round applications due: April 30th at midnight.

Please contact us at education@puentesdesalud.org with questions.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Phone number *
School and/or Current Work Place *
Major/program of study
Expected month and year of graduation, or past graduation, if applicable.
Is your application affiliated with an organization or college program/center? *
If yes, please enter the name of the program, contact person, title, email, and phone number:
Are you receiving funding for this program? If so, please indicate the source below. *
Are you available June 29 - August 7, 2020, Monday through Friday, 8:45am - 4:00pm? *
Please note weekly field trip times may vary slightly depending on location.  
If you answered no to the above question, please explain the reason and specific dates/days/times you are you NOT available.
What is your proficiency level of Spanish? *
Link to your resume on Google Docs. *
Please upload your resume to Google Docs and copy & paste the link here.  Please make sure that the privacy settings for the document allow anyone with the link to view.  Your document and information will be kept private and only visible to specific Puentes de Salud staff members.
Why do you want to work with Puentes de Salud's Education programming? *
Please respond in a paragraph.
What specific qualifications and/or relevant experiences do you have for this program? Please be specific. *
Please respond in a paragraph and use specific examples.
If you could lead an activity or series of activities with kids (ages 7-11) on any topic based on your interests and skills, what would it be? Note whether or not you have prior experience doing this kind of activity. *
Please respond in a short paragraph.
Have you previously applied to or participated in a Puentes de Salud program? If yes, please note the name of the program and the dates of your participation/application. *
How did you hear about this position? *
Do you have any of the following background check documents? *
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