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Selected Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 9)
edited by Kelly Biers and Joshua R. Brown
Printed edition: $210.00


Kelly Biers, Joshua R. Brown, Janne Bondi Johannessen, and Michael T. Putnam
v-vii (abstract or complete paper)

Partial Phonetic Convergence in Misionero German-Portuguese Bilinguals
Robert Klosinski
1-10 (abstract or complete paper)

Quantity-to-Quality Contrast Shift and Phonemic Merger in Wisconsin Walloon High Front Vowels
Kelly Biers and Ellen Osterhaus
11-19 (abstract or complete paper)

Aspectualizers and Complementation in Pennsylvania Dutch: The Case of schtaerte
Michael T. Putnam and Maike H. Rocker
20-27 (abstract or complete paper)

Left-Dislocation in Wisconsin Heritage German: Evidence from the Seifert Recordings, 1948-1949
Joshua Bousquette
28-36 (abstract or complete paper)

The Two Perfects of North American Icelandic
Kristín M. Jóhannsdóttir
37-44 (abstract or complete paper)

Convergence and Hybrid Rules: Verb Movement in Heritage Norwegian of the American Midwest
Kristin Melum Eide
45-53 (abstract or complete paper)

Change in Life and Language: Mennonite Communities in Southwestern Kansas
Nora Vosburg
54-63 (abstract or complete paper)

Language and Morality in Norwegian-American Newspapers: Reform in Eau Claire, WI
Laura Moquin
64-71 (abstract or complete paper)

Postvernacular Dutch in Wisconsin
Joshua R. Brown and Rachyl Hietpas
72-82 (abstract or complete paper)