VA-07 to Spanberger: Reject infanticide

September 16, 2019

Voters in VA-07 are telling Abigail Spanberger to take a stand and protect newborns who survive a botched abortion. 

If Abigail is really the moderate she claims to be, shouldn’t it be easy to reject infanticide?

In case you missed it…

LETTER: Spanberger should get behind Born Alive Survivors bill

The Free Lance Star

Martha Alice Foley

September 16, 2019

Spanberger should get behind Born Alive bill

I’m a constituent in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District represented by Abigail Spanberger. As she returns to Washington this fall, I am asking her to consider a proposed piece of legislation: The Born Alive Survivors Protection Act. It simply requires that children who are born after a failed abortion be provided with medical care. It is a common-sense piece of legislation that is supported by 77 percent of Americans.

Over the past 40 years, we have heard the many voices involved in abortion, from the women themselves to the abortion providers. We are now hearing new voices: the voices of the actual survivors of abortion.

One young lady told us her story at the Fredericksburg Expo Center, which was filled to near capacity this summer at the annual fundraiser for Mary’s Shelter, also in Fredericksburg. Mary’s Shelter has served expectant mothers and their children for over 10 years.

Their featured speaker this year was Melissa Ohden, who survived a saline abortion in the 1970s. She not only described the procedure used on her, but also the years that followed as she slowly discovered the events that led to her mother’s decision to abort her.

Her story, one of forgiveness and reconciliation, is an example to all of us.

Melissa now lives with her husband and their two children. As the founder and director of the Abortion Survivors Network, she has made contact with 250 other survivors.

Though there have been 80 requests by Republicans to Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring this bill to the floor for debate, Congresswoman Spanberger could move it forward for consideration by signing the discharge petition.

I am urging her to represent us in the 7th District by doing so.